goBack(trans("정상적인 접근이 아닙니다.")); $Lecture = load("Lecture"); $sql = " select * from $Lecture->table_name where lecture_code='$lecture_code' "; $row = $DB->getOneRow($sql); // 강의수 가져오기 $Chapter = load("Chapter"); $sql = " select count(*) as cnt from $Chapter->table_name where lecture_code='$lecture_code' "; $row[cnt] = $DB->getOne($sql); // 총 강의시간 구하기 $sql = " select sum(play_sec) as cnt from $Chapter->table_name where lecture_code='$lecture_code' "; $row[play_sec] = $DB->getOne($sql); // 목차정보 가져오기 $sql = " select * from $Chapter->table_name where lecture_code='$lecture_code' order by order_no asc "; $rlt = $DB->query($sql); $crows = $DB->fetchAll($rlt); $Category = load("MCategory"); // 대분류명 가져오기 $row[bcategory_title] = $Category->getTitle($row[bcategory_code]); // 소분류명 가져오기 $row[scategory_title] = $Category->getTitle($row[scategory_code]); // 교재정보 가져오기 $Book = load("Book"); $sql = " select * from $Book->table_name where book_code ='$row[book_code]' "; $brow = $DB->getOneRow($sql); // 해당강사의 다른강좌들 가져오기 - 강사명 $sql = " select * from $Lecture->table_name where author='$row[author]' limit 4 "; $rlt = $DB->query($sql); $drows = $DB->fetchAll($rlt); // 해당카테고리의 다른강좌들 가져오기 - 소분류 if(sizeof($drows) < 4 ) { $sql = " select * from $Lecture->table_name where company_id = '$company_id' and scategory_code = '$row[scategory_code]' and use_yn='Y' limit 4 "; $rlt = $DB->query($sql); $drows = $DB->fetchAll($rlt); $drows2 = $drows; } // 해당카테고리의 다른강좌들 가져오기 - 대분류 if(sizeof($drows) < 4 ) { $sql = " select * from $Lecture->table_name where company_id = '$company_id' and bcategory_code = '$row[bcategory_code]' and use_yn='Y' limit 4 "; $rlt = $DB->query($sql); $drows = $DB->fetchAll($rlt); } if(is_array($drows )) { foreach($drows as $k=>$v ) { $v[lecture_info] = strip_tags($v[lecture_info]); $v[lecture_info] = $String->cut_utf8($v[lecture_info], 60,'..'); $drows[$k][lecture_info_s] = $v[lecture_info]; } } $buy_url = "course_proc.html"; if($_config[company_id] === 'edu'){ include_once ROOT_PATH_BY_FILE.$_config[theme_dir]."/include/course_view_top.html"; }else if($_config[company_id] === 'baebadream'){ include_once ROOT_PATH_BY_FILE.$_config[theme_dir]."/include/edu_top.html"; }else{ include_once ROOT_PATH_BY_FILE.$_config[theme_dir]."/include/top.html"; } ?>